Friday, September 18, 2009

edible is incredible 2

fud is gud...........

fud is something we eat or sumthing that we can eat a.k.a edible. so, if yu r livin in malaysia, yu can observe that fud r everywhere. now, how can we make fud intrestin or even edible. we cook it. how do we do it
cooking sumthing doesn't mean you take sumthing and apply heat to it. no... not that simple. to make sumthing cooked, we can
boil it, fry it, deep fry it, stir fry it, sweats it, pressure cook it, roast it, steam it, pickled it, fermented it, bake it, smoke it, torch it, ...... and the list keeps on going. you can evn cook sumthing by adding acid to it. there is a dish called "lawa". lawa is prepared by dicing the flesh of a fish and some greens and squeeze a gud amount of lime. the correct amount of acid in the lime will cook the fish. dun believe me, try it urself.

da point is there a lot of way to cook sumthin. n if utravel around da world, i bet u can see more technique of cooking that can amaze u. that is why some people consider a chef as an artist. if they are passionate enough, they can create a master piece.

in my home or any typical malay houses, there will influence that can be seen on the table. u can be eatin nasi lemak today, n the next day ur mother will cook up curry or the day after that u r enjoying tom yam. believe or not, u r already celebrating One Malaysia right on your diner table. we enjoy each other fud,learning other people method of cookin, and without even knowing it, we appriciate other people's culture.

damn, fud can do gud things to ya.



jhar said...

edible is incredible 2
kelantanese food is terrible for ur sugar level too :D

Lord Hosni the Wise said...

edible have opther meaning la..not edible does not mean eat-able..haiz...

N. A. HAZIM said...

ye laaa thau la bkan eat at table jah..
kebetlan dua2 topik pasal eat at table,